Posted by: Don Bemis | April 25, 2010

Stay tuned

This was supposed to be mowing day, but thankfully it rained. I worked on the blog instead. During the recent writers’ conference, a number of speakers highly recommended having a blog; or worse, they assumed that we did. All publishers, even the traditional publishing houses, expect their authors to shoulder a major part of marketing. OakTara, my publisher, is print-on-demand. I signed contracts, get royalties when books sell, and don’t have to pay for publication. They take the risk. OakTara markets mostly via Internet, including Amazon and its competitors, and sells e-books as well as paperbacks.

I don’t have time to do a blog! I thought. I have a full-time job. Translation: I hate marketing.

You have plenty of time to play Solitaire on the computer, observed an uninvited thought.

Touche, Lord!

So long, Solitaire.

Getting published is addictive. I have submitted a third manuscript and am intermittently fiddling with a fourth. The publisher is more likely to take a chance on my next book if they can recoup their investment in my last ones. I really like my next one, so it’s up to me.

Stay tuned, Gentle Reader, and I’ll toss out a few tidbits from the new manuscript for your comment.


  1. Hey Don, how goes it? Me, I’m working on a screenplay in between classes, when I’m not teachng my students about Elizabethan Drrrrama.


    • It goes well. My first book has a bit of Elizabethan Drrrrama, a la high school production mode. After throwing in a gag about Hamlet, I decided to read the play to avoid glaring errors. It reinforced why Shakespeare’s works have lasted. He could put laughter and tears in the same speech. Then after my story seemed to be done, I fiddled with some loose ends and leftovers. The climactic chapter resulted.

      My second book is fractured medieval, not Elizabethan, but MacGregor the Monk has a bit of tr-r-r-rouble with his r-r-r-r’s.


    • Had any time to work on your screenplay? It’s hard to juggle things around each other.


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